Whitewash Me Twice, Shame On You...

Don't judge my madness by your sanity.
Whitewash Me Twice, Shame On You...
Sorry, no comics or music topics today.
Because today marks the fifth anniversary of this debacle .
Click here to find out what we could have had.
And the worst part? It's still going on!
What a fucking waste.
Extreme Makeover: Boodikka
Ok, exactly how do you go from this.....
.....to this?
Would you believe they're actually the same woman? Even the skin color is different.
The former image comes from Green Lantern#20 from the previous volume of the book. This issue marked the Bellatrix Bomber's comics debut and her first tryout for the Green Lantern Corps.
The latter image comes from the current volume of GL, specifically GL#11, part of the "Lost Lanterns" arc, specifically the point where Hal locates the Lanterns presumed dead during his "Emerald Twilight" rampage. You may remember Hal's rampage, specifically this scene....