Friday, August 28, 2015

Friday Night Fights: Lights Out - Round 1: The Phaseout!

Welcome to our humble host' Spacebooger's latest bout, titled Friday Night Fights: Lights OutFor the first round, I will be employing this Ultimate embroglio from All-New Ultimates#6 written by Michael Fiffe and illustrated by Amilcar Pinna. I must also give special mention to the beautiful coloring here by Nolan Woodard, who evokes the work of John Higgins on The Watchmen and The Killing Joke

Synopsis: It's the Ultimates vs. the Serpent Skull Gang in a showdown at West Side Church. Here we have Anaconda attempting to put the squeeze on Kitty Pryde.....for all the good it does her.

Wow, Anaconda just can't win, huh?

In honor of tonight's victor, here's our fight music by The Presidents Of the United States Of America. (Warning: some language may be NSFW.)

For more phasing fracases, click here. And don't forget to vote!

Friday, August 07, 2015

Friday Night Fights: SOCKER! - Prize Fight: Hawks Of War!

For tonight's  Friday Night Fights: SOCKER! Prize Fight, our honorable host Spacebooger has decreed that each entry must be a fistfight lasting at least 3 "rounds" aka panels. "Fist" fight, you say? Then how about an IRON Fist fight, courtesy of Marvel Premiere#23, written by Chris Claremont and illustrated by Pat Broderick and Bob McLeod?

Here's the story: An enhanced but insane ex-Viet Nam veteran named Warhawk has kidnapped Colleen Wing (who looks and sounds radically different here than her later appearances), thinking in his delusion that she is his wife and that they are still in 'Nam. Iron Fist arrives to rescue her.

And down goes Warhawk!

Tonight's fist-pumpin' fight music is by Motorhead.

For more fists of fury, click here. And don't forget to vote!